Our Story.


In October of 2010 my son was diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). This subset of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) left him behind on most of his development.

At the time I worked in the hospitality industry for a large hotel corporation.

In 2016 Autism Speaks opened a competition for innovative housing ideas for adults with ASD. I submitted ideas for all three categories of support they defined - Weekly, Daily, and 24/7. I didn’t win. But I came away from the contest with a vision for the Foundation, the Residence, and tightly connected vocational opportunities.

Lakshmi partners with businesses to provide funding and work experience for a thriving residential community of 20 to 30 autistic adults in the Greater Atlanta Metro area.

We are now working to carefully select of our Board of Advisors and Board of Directors.