• A headshot photo of Kris Bravo.

    Kris Bravo

    Founder & Executive Director

    I was on my third year working at a global hospitality corporation when we had our son. Two years later he was diagnosed with ASD. It was over the next eight years of helping him make progress and working with hotels that I developed the idea behind the Lakshmi Foundation.

    Hotels are designed to support people who travel with dedication and tailored service. That model resonates with me as a way to support people with autism.

    Since 2017 I have focused on the funding and steps necessary to make a residential community for autistic adults a reality.

  • Open Role

    Executive Director, The Bravo Residence

    The Bravo Residence will be lead by a director overseeing the property’s operations.

    The Lakshmi Foundation will open the position for hire as we get closer to acquisition and opening.

  • Open Role

    Director, Partner Corporation

    The Lakshmi Foundation is planning for each business that provides ongoing revenue to provide a director for the board.

    The associated roles will be filled as these partnerships are established.